Kiteboarders from all over Europe travel to El Gouna throughout the winter to continue enjoying their favourite watersport. We don’t blame them!
Water temperatures can certainly make Kitesurfing in Europe less appealing at this time of year. Many people often make travel plans to escape the cold and enjoy some warmer weather! Although things tend to get a little quieter here in Egypt from Nov – April, many travellers still make their way to Kite at their favourite spot here in El Gouna!
It’s time to pull out your Kitesurf Destination Maps, and start planning your next winter vacation! Here’s why we think El Gouna, Egypt makes the perfect winter Kitesurfing destination!
1. Perfect Conditions
Flat calm water, sandy bottoms, shallow lagoons… What more could you wish for? Although our main season is between May – October the wind conditions can still be really good during winter, if not there are plenty of other activities to chose from in El Gouna! The chance of good wind throughout Nov – April is around 55-60%. Click here to see the average wind statistics month per month!

2. Average Temperatures of 24°C
Just thinking about Europe’s cold winds, rain, ice and snow brings goose bumps to my skin! It’s no secret that I am a lover of the summer sun! Temperatures in Europe can drop to as low as -15°C in the winter. Luckily for us, even during it’s coolest months, El Gouna’s average winter temperatures are between 24°C and 13°C .

3. Short Flight Time From Europe
Since Egypt is in the north of Africa, it is not too far to travel from Europe. Depending upon where you are travelling from, direct flight times can be as short as 2.5 hours and no longer than 6 hours. The quicker you get here, the quicker we can get you up on that board and enjoying what the Red Sea has to offer!
4. Low Season = Cheaper Accommodation
The winter months are traditionally low season for tourism in El Gouna. Fewer tourists means hotels drop their prices to entice more travellers! For us adventure seekers this make the winter the most cost effective time to hit Egypt for a Kitesurfing trip. It’s also the perfect opportunity to make your holiday budget stretch further. You can add a few extra days on to your trip or fit in another Kite Event later on in the year too!

5. No Over Crowding
Low season really does have its benefits! Less tourists equals more space on the water! Even the most popular Kitesurf spots will be less crowded, the beaches will have fewer visitors so there is always plenty of room for everyone!

6. 10+ Hours of Sunlight Each Day
Not only are the temperatures much higher here but there are more daylight hours which means more time to ride! The UK see’s approximately 7.5 – 8.5 hours of daylight each day during December and January. Compare that to the 10.5 – 11.5 here in Egypt! You’ll definitely have the opportunity to enjoy more time on the water if you choose Egypt for your winter kitesurfing this year!!
Oh and one more thing …..
7. Be The Amongst The First To Try Out Our New Duotone Equipment!!!
Okay so this one is a little unique to joining us here at Nomad Kite Events but we certainly think it’s worth mentioning!
Every year we take the opportunity to update all our Kitesurfing equipment! It’s extremely important to us that we have the very best kites for our students. A good kite makes all the difference to your learning experience! So this year we have just re-stocked ready for 2019 with the very latest Duotone Kites which are considered some of the best kites on the market!
We will also be selling off the previous years kites to make space in the store room, so if you’re on the lookout for new equipment you might be able to grab yourself an absolute bargain!!
So that’s why we agree, Egypt really is the perfect winter Kitesurfing destination!
Will you be joining us this winter?